Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) has been a word that is over-used but yet not much awareness is brought to the real reasons why the sudden interest in this odourless, colourless gas that stays in our atmosphere for about a 100 years before it’s been broken down to it’s component elements of 1 part Carbon (C) and 2 parts Oxygen (O2 ). It is also the chief gas that we exhale; every single second of our existence on this planet. The fact remains that humans have changed the earth’s landscape drastically in the past 50 years that nowhere in earth’s 4.5billion existence that any other living organism have done likewise. We are not talking about the CO2 we exhale but the state of awareness of how our every action from the moment we are awake to the time we go to bed; how these actions interplay and produces a potential “carbon-footprint”. (due to our human civilization over-reliance on Fossil Fuels). Our current state of awareness might have increased especially if one lives in a developed economy bu...
Compassion and Wisdom can go hand in hand