Y ouths nowadays are pretty tired of the ‘Green-wash’ that is sometimes portrayed by some environmental groups in Singapore. We do get feedback from them that ‘It’s NOT FAIR” Why must they ‘face the music’ for all the environmental woes when their parents/teachers/adults are actually the ones who caused all these. There are some half truths on this… For one, the environment is shared by all, whatever the age is. And that is why we sometimes stop “telling” the youths what to do but rather get them to suggest what they want to do. Getting the youths to realized that humanity is one; we all share a common environment and pointing fingers and feeling a sense of hopelessness aint going to help. As the movie “HOME” rightly portrays; it’s too LATE being a Pessimist. It’s only with hope and positive thinking are we able to influence more people to change like consumption habits; be it Electronic gadgets or Food choices. The Kampong Spirits has a huge role to play in this respect. The feeling o...
Compassion and Wisdom can go hand in hand