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Showing posts from November, 2010

The story of Electronics

We live in an era of Perceived Obsolescence and Planned Obsolescence; i sometimes wonder why....We cannot share batteries and picture cards any more just because my friend uses a different camera brand; is this our notion of advancement of technology? where it's cheaper to buy a new one instead of repairing it. New models come into the market not annually now but almost every season!

I Wonder Why...

If we follow Charles Darwin theory of Evolution....we are practically 'guest' on this planet... We are merely 200,000 years old since we walked upright...Earth is like 4 billion years old. ie in terms of %,  4 billion years being 100% of the time, we have only been on this planet 0.05%.... Yet, i sometimes ponder, despite the apparent 'redundancy' of our existence in terms of the biosphere of this planet.....Why are we Here? if scientist were to find another planet tomorrow and all the 6.7 billions of us were to move there, I'm pretty sure not many plants and animals will "miss" us..... I Wonder Why?