we consume, consume and consume.
There is this quality we have, besides intelligence, no other animal or plant have;
It's not about going back to the stone-ages, to go around hugging trees or treat stray cats better than our fellow humans;
But rather, the excessive consumerism that is ever so conveniently projected in our lives these days;
confusing us the difference between a Need and a Want.
It's all about being Environmentally Mindful...
Mindful when we next go to the shopping mall/supermarket;
Mindful when we use the next straw or plastic stirrer;
Mindful when we celebrate festive occassions (from catering to decorations);
that we are just one of the 6.6 billion humans living on Earth right now.
that all the plants and animals can 'live happily ever after' without us BUT not vice versa
that we have just been walking upright 200,000 years ago (earth is 4.5 billion years old)
We are practically 'guest' on this planet;
but look at what we have done to it despite being only present 0.13% of the time since the formation of earth...
I think we should all Pause and Comtemplate...