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UNEP Conference in Stavanger, Norway

It's been 4 years since i took a plane; just as well as i learnt from this conference that a europe-america round trip (8000km) burns similiar CO2 to us driving a car for an entire year! The cabin for the economy section is sooo-cramped; being in one of the larger plane, The Beoing 777 didnt help...the 3-3-3 configuration made us look like sardines in a tin can. I was thankful i manged to secure aisle seats for the 12hour, 10,000km flight to Amsterdam. Amsterdam is charming and somewat romantic with all the history and canals; we managed to catch a snapshot of this old trading town as we had 8 hours to burn till our connecting flight to Norway. The TUNZA conference with 700kids and 300 chaperons gave me the impression they were only expecting 1/5 the no of people there; in this nordic country with similiar population size but having the land size of Germany! Feels really weird, on top of the jet lag, that we only get like 3-4hours of nite during our week here. Sunsets at midnite and its already bright at 4am... More Fotos HERE


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