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Is Climate change all Doom and Gloom?

If we could pause for a moment and contemplate and not forcus on Climate Change; which is a very recent invention but rather look back at the way in which we have depleted the earth's natural even if climate science is one would argue that the rate at which we are depleting the natural resources is sustainable...when will humans realise that GREEN was used to assoc with environmental stuff due to our human GREED (just a diff of a letter)

It's some times good, as advised by the buddha, to contemplate on death as we never know when is death.
And thus by being aware of death as something not fearful or faraway....we then can better appreciate and love our parents, family and friends more dearly and not take them for granted...

Vast iceberg 'may disrupt ocean currents' 

Source : BBC News 06:51 GMT, Friday, 26 February 2010

Mertz Glacier Tongue
The iceberg snapped from the Mertz Glacier Tongue
A vast iceberg which broke off the Antarctic continent this month could disrupt the world's ocean currents and weather patterns, scientists warn.
Australian researchers say the iceberg - the size of Luxembourg - could block an area that produces a quarter of the world's dense and very cold seawater. Read more


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