call it 'born again', name it 'enlightened'; i finally made the decision to ride 330km to kuantan to forgo sleep, observe noble silence, entertainment and food. We were required to surrender our handphones, vehicle keys and wallet before the course started. No i did not embark on a torture trip but not only did i not feel sleep deprived despite waking up at 4am almost daily (except for the first few days), do "nothing" everyday except walk and sit and have only 2 'proper' meals a day.
This is not the first time I've embark on such endeavours but first time i strictly observe the noble silence, sit for such extended period of time towards the later half of the course and had vegetarian meals the 10 days.
My awareness and energy levels have never been so high; the levels of concentration is simply breathtaking; so much so, time passes by so fast and before i knew it, the hour is up, the 10 days has gone. I've taken the 1st step, the challenge is to continue this practice that i learnt from Mr Goenka and my assistant teacher, Mr Yeo; the art of observing the body as it really is; with equanimity and anicca. This is what the buddha taught 2,500 years ago and call it Vipassana.
Here's a video on a fellow brother's experience